
2021-10-25 15:51 來源: swissinfo

Switzerland's pledge and actions

Switzerland aims to halve its emissions overall by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050. The government's roadmap covers industry sectors, energy efficiency in buildings as well as investments in projects that reduce the CO2 released into the atmosphere.

Switzerland failed to meet its intermediate goal of reducing emissions to 20% below 1990 levels: It only managed a 14% reduction by 2020. To fulfil obligations under the Paris Agreement, the Swiss government suggested a set of measures. The so-called "CO2 law" is one of them. It was put to a nationwide vote, but rejected in June 2021.

Switzerland has so far signed deals with Peru, Ghana, Senegal, Georgia, Dominica and Vanuatu to offset its carbon emissions. Investments will finance biogas plants, solar panels and geothermic energy, as well as programs aimed at increasing energy efficiency in buildings and electrifying public transport.


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