
2020-7-20 08:56 來源: 中國石化新聞網

據能源世界網7月16日倫敦報道,隨著對石油行業氣候態勢的壓力越來越大,包括沙特石油公司(saudi aramco)、和埃克森美孚(exxon mobil)在內的一批世界頂級石油公司首次設定了削減溫室氣體排放總量的目標。





    OGCI董事長兼前BP首席執行官鮑勃·杜德利(Bob Dudley)告訴路透社稱,這是一個重要的里程碑,不是工作的終點,而是一個近期目標……我們將繼續進行校準。






    例如,根據全球最大的石油出口國沙特阿美年度報告,其在2019年的上游碳強度為10.1kg CO2e / boe。

    挪威的Equinor計劃到2025年將其二氧化碳排放強度降低至8kg / boe以下。該公司表示,目前全球行業平均水平為18kg CO2e / boe。



    郝芬 譯自 能源世界網


    Oil giants including Exxon set first joint carbon target

    A group of the world's top oil companies including Saudi Aramco and Exxon Mobil have for the first time set targets to cut their combined greenhouse gas emissions as a proportion of production, as pressure on the sector's climate stance grows.

    However, the target set by the 12 members of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) is eclipsed by more ambitious plans set individually by the consortium's European members, including Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Total.

    The OGCI members agreed to reduce the average carbon intensity of their aggregated upstream oil and gas operations to between 20 kg and 21 kg of CO2 equivalent per barrel of oil equivalent (CO2e/boe) by 2025, from a collective baseline of 23 kg CO2e/boe in 2017, the OGCI said in a statement.

    Intensity targets mean absolute emissions can rise with increasing production.

    The OGCI includes BP, Chevron, Eni, Equinor, Exxon, Occidental Petroleum, Petrobras, Repsol, Saudi Aramco, Shell and Total, which together account for over 30% of the world's oil and gas production.

    "It is a significant milestone, it is not the end of the work, it is a near term target ... and we'll keep calibrating as we go forward," OGCI Chairman and former BP CEO Bob Dudley told Reuters.

    The members agreed on a common methodology to calculate carbon intensity and the targets could be extended to other sectors such as liquefied natural gas and refining in the future, Dudley added.

    The announcement marks an important change for Exxon, the largest U.S. oil company, which has resisted investor pressure to improve the disclosure of its impact on the environment. It did not report its carbon emissions in 2019.

    Exxon supports the OGCI targets to decrease the carbon intensity of energy production and is "part of the industry's efforts to take practical, meaningful steps to reduce emissions," a spokesman said.

    The targets set by different companies can vary widely in scope and definition, making it difficult to compare.

    However, some members of the OGCI already exceed or plan to overshoot the joint target.

    For example, Saudi Aramco, the world's top oil exporter, had an upstream carbon intensity of 10.1kg CO2e/boe in 2019, according to its annual report.

    Norway's Equinor aims to reduce its CO2 intensity below 8kg/boe by 2025. It has said the current global industry average is 18 kg CO2e/boe.

    OGCI said the group's collective carbon intensity would be reported annually, with data reviewed by EY, as an independent third party.

    The target includes reductions in methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, which the group had previously committed to cut.


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