
2019-11-28 10:06 來源: 滬江

  This carbon-negative vodka is made from captured CO2.


  A new brand of vodka from a startup called Air Co. is made from captured CO2 instead of yeast—and making a bottle of it is the equivalent of the daily carbon intake of eight trees.

  一家名為Air Co.的創業公司推出了一種新款伏特加,它不是用酵母制成的,而是用采集的二氧化碳制成的,而且生產一瓶伏特加消耗的碳量相當于八棵樹每天吸收的碳量。

  “Our technology uses carbon dioxide and water along with electricity to create alcohol,” says Stafford Sheehan, an electrochemist and cofounder of the startup, which launched the product in a handful of bars, restaurants, and retailers in New York City today.


  “That’s inspired by photosynthesis in nature, where plants breathe in CO2. They take up water, and they use energy in the form of sunlight to make things like sugars and to make other higher-value hydrocarbons, with oxygen as the sole by-product. Same thing with our process: The only by-product is oxygen.”


  While making a typical bottle of vodka might produce around 13 pounds of greenhouse gases, Air Co.’s product is actually carbon negative, removing a pound of CO2 for every bottle produced.

  通常生產一瓶伏特加可能會產生大約13磅溫室氣體,而Air Co.的產品卻是負碳的,每生產一瓶伏特加會消耗1磅二氧化碳。

  The company captures CO2 from nearby factories—appropriately, much of it comes from traditional alcohol production.


  Then, inside its own Brooklyn distillery, the team uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is emitted, and the hydrogen is combined with the CO2.


  “We do that in a reactor with a special catalyst and that’s kind of our secret sauce,” says Sheehan.


  The combination makes alcohol and water. The final step is to remove the water through distillation.


  The whole process, including the still, runs on solar power “so the overall lifecycle carbon intensity of all the energy that we use is minimized, and in the end, we get a product that is net carbon negative.”



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