
2019-6-19 09:48 來源: 一綠一豆芽

       聯合國氣候變化新聞6月14日報道,一家中國的科技公司已經開始通過聯合國氣候變化框架公約秘書處的“氣候中立倡議(Climate Neutral Now Initiative)幫助消費者們開展實實在在的氣候行動。


       聯合國氣候變化框架公約秘書處的“氣候中立倡議”邀請企業、機構、政府以及民眾通過量化他們的碳足跡,盡可能多地減少溫室氣體排放,并通過碳補償抵消無法避免的碳排放量,實現氣候中立。聯合國氣候變化框架公約秘書處全球氣候變化行動組負責人Niclas Svenningsen表示: 








        綠豆芽與“氣候中立倡議”的合作確保了其國際碳信用抵消項目的可信度與透明度。該合作將有效促進我國氣候行動的復制推廣,擴大受眾面與氣候行動的影響力,這與綠豆芽“一起碳中和”的使命是相吻合的。綠豆芽負責人連希蕊說。 所有綠豆芽平臺減排項目的貢獻者都將獲得平臺與UNFCCC合作發布的綠豆芽“氣候行動證書”。 

First Chinese Company Collaborates with UN’s Climate Neutral Now Initiative

A Chinese technology company has begun helping consumers take concrete climate action whilst making use of the UN’s Climate Neutral Now initiative. Sichuan Lvdoya Information Technology Co. Ltd, a software developer that runs a smartphone app which specializes in promoting carbon neutrality and carbon offsetting to individuals, is the first Chinese company to partner with Climate Neutral Now.The Climate Neutral Now initiative of UN Climate Change invites companies, organizations, governments and citizens to work towards climate neutrality by reducing their climate footprint bymeasuringtheir greenhouse gas emissions, reducing them as much as possible and then compensatingthose which cannot be avoided.NiclasSvenningsen, Manager of Global Climate Action at UN Climate Change, said:

“The Climate Neutral Now initiative was set up to promote additional voluntary climate action by all stakeholders, including individuals. Individuals play a very important role in driving society toward the climate neutral world we need by 2050 or earlier. We welcome this collaboration with Lvdoya, which allows us to jointly invite citizens in China to take action”. Specifically, the Chinese company Lvdoya has created an app that contains an online trading platform for products and services that help users achieve climate neutrality through education and compensation of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

Sichuan Lvdoya Information Technology Co. Ltd A view of the Lvdoya App Users can for example purchase products and services ranging from food and textiles to accommodation which have been produced or are offered in a climate neutral way.

The platform offers UN-certified carbon credits (CERs) as a tool to allow its users to supportemission reduction projectsin developing countries, ranging from clean cook stove projects in Africa to wind energy in India.

Furthermore, Lvdoya undertakes efforts to raise awareness about climate change and sustainable lifestyles through social media outreach, using the Chinese social media platforms Weibo and partly Instagram.

The company also organizes voluntary carbon neutral activities, including tree planting and cycling activities and has helped major events to become climate neutral - for example the 2017 International Low Carbon Expo in Zhenjiang. The collaboration with ‘Climate Neutral Now’ ensures the transparency and credibility of our oversea sources of carbon credits, and supplements our project range. Our collaboration enhances the capability of expanding and replicating this business model, which coincides with Lvdoya’s mission ‘Climate Neutral Together’”,says Ms. XiruiLian, representative of Lvdoya. Any contribution to emission reduction projects is recognized through a climate action certificate issued by Lvdoya in cooperation with UNFCCC.


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